
Showing posts with the label Beast Mastery

HUNTER and the Skillful Art of Beast Mastery (Leveling Guide)

  Hunter Leveling Guide Hunters are known to be one of the easiest, if not easiest class to level. Send in your pet, put autofire on, go for a coffee, come back and see that your pet didn’t only kill the mob you wanted him to attack but also 3 other mobs that attacked you while you were AFK. No but seriously, a Hunter is easy to level. How do your maximize your efficiency though and reach the level cap as soon as possible? The answer is quite easy for this one; The Beast Mastery Tree. The Beast Mastery talent build will make your pet a lot stronger and this will make it easier for your pet to keep the enemy NPC’s attacking him while you do steady damage with your ranged weapon. Here you can see a nice leveling build for a Hunter: Hunter Leveling Build Choose Hawk Eye and Lethal Shots to boost your damage and range a bit. From the Beast Mastery talent tree you can skip Imp Aspect of the Monkey because you will not be the one taking the hits. Imp Revive Pet isn’t necess...