
Showing posts with the label Leveling

Paladin Leveling Guide and Retributions

  Paladin Leveling Guide A Paladin has received some great boosts with the WoTLK expansion. It is especially their damage tree that has gained a lot of improvements. In this guide I will explain which talents should be used and for what reason. Let’s first have a look at the build: Paladin Leveling Build You basically take all the Retribution talents except for Deflection and Divine Purpose, except if you plan to play with somebody else often, then you can make a few changes and use Divine Purpose. What makes the Retribution tree so powerful? To begin with you will improve your Blessing of Might which is the Blessing you will be using on yourself all the time to increase your attack power. Then you got your Improved Judgment which allows you to use Judgments more often which also results in a lot more damage output. Heart of the Crusader is not only great for single playing and can also increase the damage of entire parties and even raids. Pursuit of Justice is really g...

Druid Leveling Guide

  Druid Leveling Guide A Druid is a great class to level no matter if you choose to level as a Feral Druid or as a Balance Druid. Reason for this is that you are still able to heal up after you get some damage. In this article I will describe a great Feral Leveling build and a great Balance leveling build. The Restoration tree can be partially taken as you will see but a full Restoration build will slow down your leveling. Feral Druid As a Feral Druid that wants to level up fast you should specialize in your Cat Form ability because the damage done in Cat Form is better than the Bear Forms available. There are some talents that are better for Bears then for Cats so these can be skipped. Please note that this is a solo leveling build that focuses on maximizing the damage of your Cat Form. Feral leveling build Instead of saying why the talents that are chosen are chosen, I will tell you why you can skip the ones that are not: Feral Instinct: Swipe is a Bear’s ability so y...

LEGION: The Druid

    Druid - Nature’s Defender Druids are not regular nature-loving beings. They have great powers and use the power given to them in various ways. They are shape shifters that can fill in any role as a spell casting damage dealer or healer, a tank or a melee damage dealer. The Druid can only be chosen by Tauren and Night Elf players. They are capable to transform into a Bear or Dire Bear form which increases both hit points and armor and gives them some nice tanking abilities which can be used with the use of Rage which on its turn can be gained by dealing and receiving damage. They will receive several abilities that create a high amount of threat. The nice thing about a Druid tank is that they are capable to still do great amounts of damage compared to in example a Warrior tank. If needed the Druids can also transform into Cat form which makes a Tauren change into a Lion, and a Night Elf into a Panther. In this form their attacks can be used with the use of Energy. In ...

Death Knight Leveling Guide

  Death Knight Leveling Guide   Once you have created your Death Knight you will see that you have no talent points yet. That can be quite weird for a level 55 character but you shouldn’t worry. The quests in and around the Ebon Hold will all give you talent points. But how exactly should you use these to level up your Death Knight really fast? Well, that’s what this guide is about. I will explain which talent build is nice and for what reason. To start with I must say that the Death Knight is a great class that has nice abilities like a pet, great damaging spells, plate armor and heavy normal attacks. The talent trees are Blood, Frost, and Unholy. What you are looking for while leveling is a build that allows you to continue fighting and speed you up in any other way possible. That’s the reason why I say that a Blood/Unholy build would be the best for leveling. Assuming that you will level solo, I have made the following build and you will see that this build is gre...

Death Knight: First Hero Class

  Death Knight - WoW’s First Hero Class With the release of the WoTLK in mid November 2008, a new class, The Death Knight, was introduced. The Death Knights are WoW’s first Hero Class. What this ‘Hero Class’ exactly means is unknown because they have not proven to be very different then other classes except for the facts that you need to have a level 55 or higher level character to create a Death Knight, that the Death Knight will start as a level 55 upon being created and that the Death Knight uses Runic Power to be able to use his abilities. Once you create a Death Knight you will enter the game as a level 55 character that is loyal to Arthas the Lich King. You will start fully equipped with green gear and 4, 12 slot bags and 20 silver in Acherus - The Ebon Hold which can be found in the Eastern Plaguelands. As you start questing near The Ebon Hold you will be rewarded talent points and blue item and once you reach level 57 or so you will have the regular amount of talent ...

The Techniques of Instance Leveling

  The Techniques of Instance Leveling                 If you haven’t tried instance leveling on World of Warcraft yet, then you owe it to yourself and your toons to try it out.   There is truly no faster way to get to level 80 than to instance level for all of your playing time.   It doesn’t matter if your character is DPS, a healer, or a tank, instance leveling will get you to the top the fastest.   However, just as DPS, healers, and tanks all have their own very specific roles in dungeon groups, they all have very specific techniques when it comes to using the dungeon finder. DPS Instance Leveling Technique                 DPS, or Damage Per Second, characters are a dime a dozen because it is far easier to just deal damage inside the instances rather than taking a leading role like a tank or holding the lives of...