
Showing posts with the label healing

LEGION: A Shamans Leveling Guide - WoW

  Shamans - Spiritual Casters With Lots of Totems Shamans are a nice class with a lot of different spells and abilities. You can play a Shaman in several ways. You can choose to be either a Melee or Spell casting damage dealer or become a Healer. The Shamans could only be played by the Horde races until the release of the Burning Crusade when the Draenei of the Alliance made it possible to become an Alliance Shaman. Shamans can wear all weapons except swords and are dependent on leather armor till level 40 and can then wear mail armor. Shamans are well known for their ability to place totems that boost both themselves and party members. There is a great variety of totems that can be cast and these are divided in four schools: fire, water, earth and air totems. Only one totem of each school can be active at a time. Besides the totems, a Shaman also has another great ability called Blood Lust, or Heroism for Draeneis, which boosts all party and raid members haste rating by 30% fo...

LEGION: Paladin - Holy Warriors

  Paladins - Holy Warriors The Paladin is a hybrid class, capable to tank, heal and do damage. The Paladin can wear plate armor, shields and most melee weapons. The Paladin uses the Holy magic school and physical attacks for most of his abilities. One of the most well known abilities of the Paladin is Divine Shield, often called ‘Bubble’. The Divine Shield is an instantly casted spell that protects the Paladin from any damage for 12 seconds. Divine Intervention is almost as good as Divine Shield and can even be casted on party or raid members. It protects the target from all physical attacks. The Paladin also has various auras that affect the entire party and several buffs that can also be cast on different players. The Paladins abilities cost mana, no matter what build one chooses. The following races have Paladins in their ranks: Humans, Dwarves, Draenei, and Blood Elves. A Paladin can be a very capable tank when the Protection talent tree is used. While using a shield an...

LEGION: The Druid

    Druid - Nature’s Defender Druids are not regular nature-loving beings. They have great powers and use the power given to them in various ways. They are shape shifters that can fill in any role as a spell casting damage dealer or healer, a tank or a melee damage dealer. The Druid can only be chosen by Tauren and Night Elf players. They are capable to transform into a Bear or Dire Bear form which increases both hit points and armor and gives them some nice tanking abilities which can be used with the use of Rage which on its turn can be gained by dealing and receiving damage. They will receive several abilities that create a high amount of threat. The nice thing about a Druid tank is that they are capable to still do great amounts of damage compared to in example a Warrior tank. If needed the Druids can also transform into Cat form which makes a Tauren change into a Lion, and a Night Elf into a Panther. In this form their attacks can be used with the use of Energy. In ...